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LMT Systems
IT solutions created by us

Full software development cycle for companies –
from analysis to maintenance


We use a wide range of innovative technologies to solve large and complex projects.

To Technologies

Computer vision and artificial intelligence

Computer vision, together with artificial intelligence, is able to eliminate human errors and automate monotonous work.

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Drone solutions

Mēs pielietojam attālinātu dronu vadību mobilajā tīklā. No drona iegūtie dati tiek apstrādāti un nosūtīti lietotājiem ātru lēmumu pieņemšanai.

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EDGE computing and 5G

EDGE jeb "kantes skaitļošana" optimizē datu pārsūtīšanas un skaitļošanas procesus, tos apstrādā bez aiztures un mazina pārraides tīklu noslodzi.

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Voice call and SMS integration

SMS un balss zvani var kļūt par neatņemamu sastāvdaļu arī inovatīvās IT sistēmās.

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Integrated business systems

LMT palīdz klientiem izstrādāt uz lietotājiem centrētas informācijas sistēmas, kas atbalsta biznesa procesu digitalizāciju un palielina veicamo uzdevumu efektivitāti.

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IoT and sensors

IoT risinājumi palīdz ar mazu un efektīvu komandu izdarīt pēc iespējas vairāk, izmantojot sensorus situācijas novērtēšanai un IoT platformas procesu automatizācijai.

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Enhanced security solutions

Paaugstinātas drošības risinājumi ietver rūpīgu un atbilstošu tehnoloģiju izvēli, kā arī attiecīgu darba procesu organizāciju.

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All projects

Route management system

Unified route management system at Riga International Bus Terminal, incl. automation and digitalization of the traffic controller service, increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the customer's work.

  • Computer vision (AI)
  • Integrētas biznesa sistēmas
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Red light and other traffic violation detection project

An intelligent system for traffic monitoring and traffic violation identification based on video vision and artificial intelligence algorithms.

  • Computer vision (AI)
  • EDGE/5G
  • Business systems
  • Integrētas biznesa sistēmas
  • EDGE skaitļošana
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Automated AI Accounting Assistant

A solution for retrieving and processing basic invoice information that uses artificial intelligence for text processing.

  • System analysis
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Integrated business systems
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The LMT solution for the detection of red light and other traffic violations operates stably and shows 98% accuracy in tests. During the pilot project, we verified the quality of the LMT solution – traffic safety in Liepāja has improved, moreover, it allows monitoring the intensity of traffic flow. Our experience confirms that LMT is a cooperation partner with a professional approach in the field of IT solutions.

Mārtiņš Tīdens

Deputy executive director of real estate issues of Liepāja city council

Full development process

We are able to ensure the implementation of full-cycle IT solutions,
from analysis and development to maintenance and deployment.


Business analysis

We work with the customer to understand their true business needs and the functionality of their existing systems.


User experience (UX)

Adapting systems and application designs to user convenience and their real needs.


IT project management

From idea and need to a functioning system.


Software development

From architectural development to finished software.


System integration

We allow the system we've developed to work with the other systems of the customer or third parties.


Quality assurance

From systemic testing to process quality assurance.



We ensure the functioning of the system and the solution of problem situations in a way suitable for the customer.



We provide deployment of the developed products in our, customer's or third party's infrastructures.

Join our team and let's create together!

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LMT Mission

Smart solutions to challenging business problems

LMT has innovative, efficient technologies and human resources that allow us to be a strategic partner in the process of digital transformation in any public administration structure or private company. We solve complex business challenges with smart IT solutions.

About us